Year 2002:” I want to write a blog” …a thought which came to my mind when I first heard about the concept of blogs.
Year 2011: The year which finally gave that thought some words and here I am writing my first ever blog.
Finally it happened
I know I have a writer inside me who sitting comfortably in my mind. Her name is Ms Dee. Miss Dee thinks about life and the mystery that surrounds it, she dreams of travelling to know territories in an unknown way, she feels the magic of her senses which helps her connect with nature, she celebrates laughter’s and joys every moment. She is a little shy and that’s why it took her so long to share her thoughts, experiences and ideas with the outside world. Maybe she was not ready. She wanted to first explore my inner mind, body and soul before before venturing out and face this big bad beautiful world.
Now she is ready. She has travelled inside me. It was a tough journey though as she tried finding out ways to connect the mind, which was her home to the body. You might ask me at this point that why it is important to connect mind with the body, isn’t it already connected? The answer is yes, it is connected physically but to connect it in way where you can feel each and every sensation of your body is a tough job. You might ask me now as to what sensations have to do with writing. My answer is: They have a big role to play. If you can observe your sensations the way they are and not react to them, then you are observing the truth. It makes your mind pure and you can see things as they are. Once you are able to do that then life becomes magical. It helps us in seeing things with a new perspective. Every things is the same, just that you get a new pair of eyes, which is the inner eye.A new pair of ears which enjoys the sound of rains as it is hearing it for the first time, A new sense of touch which makes the air feel so refreshing as never before. A sense of fragrance which makes you enjoy the beauty of flowers and make you wonder like a child about the secret formula nature has hidden from us. All of the above gave Ms Dee clarity of thought, a peaceful mind and an understanding of things in a way which she never imagined.
My Ms Dee was successful in making that connection. She enjoyed the journey and experienced magical moments of love, harmony and peace. She is ready to share some of her experiences with the outside world and believe me her journey has just begun…
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